

A call to campaign: Just Jonathan

Local Columns

As I lay restfully in my bed, deep in sleep, a gentle vibration awoke me from slumber. The beeps and buzzes, whistles and dings, all pulled out from my deep deep sleep. This wasn’t any old phone call, no no. This was a ring from a man they call O.P. Owen Pries spoke on the phone, I could hear ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Pushin’ Up Weeds

Local Columns

I probably think about death too much. Not in a bad way or anything, just your daily musings. My sister said I probably don't think about it any more than anyone else, then I reminded her I wrote a book all about the different possible ways my family might die. But really who can tell with ...

You’ll Figure It Out: The crazy tradition of Groundhog’s Day!

Local Columns

This coming Sunday, Feb. 2 is one of the goofiest, weirdest and insane holidays (?) of all time. And you know you'll mention it sometime this coming Sunday. "Punxsutawney Phil" is this ground-hog's or woodchuck's name and I guess he, (or she), lives in a beautiful, well furnished burrow in ...

Magic Mike 6XL: Foot In mouth disease

Local Columns

I tend to be a bit loquacious at times, but I get it honest. However, there is something unfortunate that comes with being so talkative, and that is contracting the ol' foot-in-mouth disease. Those times when your mouth moves a little faster than your brain, and suddenly you've said something ...

Just Jonathan: A community coffee shop

Local Columns

A handful of times I’ve used my column to shoutout and praise the great attributes of our community. I love who we are and the great things we’re capable of. That is not this week's message. I want a coffee shop. Originally a Facebook post I made after conducting an interview inside of a ...

District 53 Newsletter: Jan. 16, 2025


The 2025 legislative session is well underway. As I write this, the opening addresses from the Governor, the Chief Justice, and the head of the Iowa National Guard are all done, many bills are getting filed, and our committee work is underway. The major theme for this session will be the ...

Just Jonathan: My anxiety experience

Local Columns

Here’s a topic I’ve been thinking about tackling for quite some time, good old anxiety! Anxiety has become somewhat jaded and even a taboo topic. I think by putting some of my thoughts and opinions out into the ether that is the News Chronicle might help someone reading. Keep in mind, I’m ...

Magic Mike 6XL: The Great Wait

Local Columns

I was at the doctor's office today. Don't worry, I'm still alive... for now. But It got me thinking about that thing that you do more than anything at a doctor's office: wait in the waiting room. I have been to hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent cares, cardiologists, neurologists, ...