I love watermelon, popcorn and my wife! But wait! Does love change? I bit into a slice of watermelon last summer that had turned bad! And who loves burnt popcorn? But my love for my wife of 44 years has grown! At the wedding altar, I loved her to the max! But over the years, I've grown to love ...
As most people here in "Deep Freeze, Iowa," I was just trying to figure out ways to not only stay warm but stay alive last week. With that thought clearly embedded in your mind, I can truly be excused for not thinking too much or hard or long about the "Take A Mulligan" column. But to be ...
Letter to the Editor:Iowa should regulate marijuana like beer, wine and liquorTen states now regulate marijuana like alcohol.In November, Michigan voters approved legal sales of marijuana to adults. The newly elected Governors of both Minnesota and Illinois want to do the same.Iowa should ...
B---R----R- --Such cold weather. I thought January was known for the January thaw. Not this year. Do you know that one of my cold weather memories was a New Year's Eve movie we had. My husband and I walked to the theatre in ankle deep snow. We get to the theatre-cold building, but how cold was ...
As a science teacher I understand that you are officially dead when your heart stops beating. As a human being why would you not be recognized as being alive when your heart starts beating?For 200 years this nation of men and women recognized this fact. In 1973, a vote of 7-2 legalized murder. ...
With Iowa's 2019 legislative session in full swing, many policymakers have sports betting on their minds. Since the Supreme Court struck down the failed federal ban in May 2018, seven new states created and implemented legal sports betting markets. In the coming months, Iowa could potentially ...
Newsletter for January 31, 2019In spite of the cold and nasty weather, the legislature met in session every day this week. I continue to commute to the capitol from home most days, but as the years go by I find myself staying overnight more often in order to avoid driving when the roads are ...
Some 46 years ago, the United States Supreme Court decided by a 7-2 margin that it is perfectly right and legal to end the life of an unborn or better yet, a pre-born baby. Today that decision continues to plague our nation. Many continue this day to weep over this decision by our highest ...
The ceremonies and speeches are done and the House has gotten down to business this week in spite of the cold and freezing rain. The emphasis now is on finishing up the research on bills, having them drafted and reviewed, filing them, assigning them to the pertinent committee and conducting ...
One of the biggest contrasts in public access to state and local governments in Iowa came into focus last week, and Iowans should be concerned by what occurred.A bit of context: Iowans have long had the right to sit in on almost every meeting of state government policy-making and governing ...