In November 2016, as election results began rolling in, the maps showing state-by-state Senate and presidential wins started to look like they were plotting the same race. By the time the final votes were counted, it was clear: Every state that held a U.S. Senate election favored the same ...
Several days ago, our "Take A Mulligan" staff asked through Facebook what your "one" piece of advice would be to people in 2019. Here are some of your answers:Take time to count your blessings every day, (Kristine).Stay true to yourself and to God. You will answer to both, (Lauri & ...
On the morning of Aug. 31, shortly after 8:30, a 12-year-old boy pulled out a gun in his seventh-grade classroom in Eldridge, a community just north of Davenport.In an instant, he directed his classmates to get on the floor and then pointed the gun at his teacher's face and squeezed the ...
Hah! They're shutting down our government! Just imagine. Could that mean I don't have to pay my taxes? Can I go 90 on a 55 mile per hour highway? Or skip school and do whatever I want? Hey-I won't have to pay the fine on that library book I lost 6 years ago! Is there no "down side" to the ...
Q: What is the First Step Act?A: The bipartisan First Step Act restructures federal criminal sentencing laws for the first time in decades. After years of listening, negotiating and reviewing reforms enacted at the state level, a broad coalition of lawmakers joined together with the White House ...
Letter to the Editor:Simple, Trump and republicans want a wall. Why don't they start a fund raising campaign to build the wall?Let these republicans put there checkbook where there mouth is. Remember Trump said that Mexico would pay for the wall not us.When are we going to deport all of Trump ...
(Family Features) While many people often wish maintaining good health was as easy as following an equation, health doesn't have a start or end date. Once the allure of the new year wears off, it can be easy to let those resolutions go by the wayside.When you focus on making small, positive ...
Every action of government is your business.Every document held in government halls is your piece of paper.Every penny spent by government is your money.From the courthouse to the statehouse to the White House, government belongs to the governed and not the governing.You have the right to know ...
The Rev. Michael Noland will be contributing a column for publication in The News-Herald. This is this first installment.I'm New Year's Resolutions-Challenged! I made a vow with myself (an important component-good grief-don't make this public) to lose 20 lbs. but gained 10, instead! I also ...