There are scraps of paper adorned with my doodles and scribbles strewn throughout the house like other homes have dust bunnies because I very rarely throw a drawing away. I don't throw a lot of things away.
I would say it is one part insanity and one part strategy. Okay, probably 60-40. The ...
A week or so ago, my Ma came into the room and said, “There's a dead rat in the garbage.” There wasn't. I had shaved though, and left several inches of beard hair in the trash. I guess I could see the resemblance.
I never wanted a beard growing up. None of the heroes I worshipped had one. ...
For two years in middle school, I thought I went to school with a boy named Beyonce. I believe it's safe to say I misheard his name.
I don't remember when I learned or thought I learned my pupil's name was Beyonce, but I specifically remember when I found out that wasn't his name. Before I ...
Six deaths and a wedding sum up how 2025 is going for me so far, and I didn't even go to the wedding. I don't believe in bad years or months, but man, oh man, has this been a doozy.
I believe in moments, not bad days because it is my belief that an entire day can't be bad. Of course, it can ...
I probably think about death too much. Not in a bad way or anything, just your daily musings. My sister said I probably don't think about it any more than anyone else, then I reminded her I wrote a book all about the different possible ways my family might die. But really who can tell with ...
I tend to be a bit loquacious at times, but I get it honest. However, there is something unfortunate that comes with being so talkative, and that is contracting the ol' foot-in-mouth disease. Those times when your mouth moves a little faster than your brain, and suddenly you've said something ...
I was at the doctor's office today. Don't worry, I'm still alive... for now. But It got me thinking about that thing that you do more than anything at a doctor's office: wait in the waiting room.
I have been to hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent cares, cardiologists, neurologists, ...
I guess you could say I believe in omens. I'm not going to see a bluebird fly overhead and then move to Belchertown, Massachusetts, but sometimes there are signs. And particularly what I love is when the universe reassures those moments of precognition, no matter how insane or stupid they might ...
Like I've said before, my family is superstitious, but if you have as much bad luck as we do, you get that way. The number thirteen is taboo, no one ever walks under a ladder, and black cats are the root of all evil.
If I could sum this all up in one quick anecdote It would be one about my ...
My family doesn't really have traditions, but we do have habits, addictions, and superstitions. The main addiction I know I have when it comes to those special days of the year is movies.
I love movies. And when something comes up like a holiday I have a list of films to watch. Now, you are ...