I am not picky when it comes to movies. I will watch just about anything. I have seen thousands and thousands of movies, and the worst one I've ever seen, I'd probably watch again.
My family doesn't share my views on this. Particularly my sister, forget judging a movie by its poster because ...
Okay, first of all, the Toledo Mayor does read my column. Who would have guessed? Well, I guess if you're reading this Mr. Mayor, I hope ya have a good day, or whatever; who cares?
Anyway, I promised ya a funeral story for this week, and I will tell ya one, but first of all ya gotta realize ...
Alright, my humor isn't for everyone. And frankly, most of the things that amuse me I try to keep to myself.
Ya see, just a few of the words that can describe my sense of humor are: weird, dark, and just plain stupid. I have gotten in trouble for my sense of humor more times than I can ...
Schedules, I've never stuck to one. Never have, more than likely, never will. I don't have any pet peeves against schedules; it's just I've never been able to keep one.
And yes, this is in direct correlation to my near constant lateness; more than once, I've run out of the house late to a ...
I was going to start this little piece by saying, 'Now, that camping season is nearing an end,' but I don't know when camping season is, so I'll skip ahead.
Camping, it's not my thing. Firstly, I am not an "outdoors" person. I am sure most of you already know that. I mean, no one has ever ...
Alright, I've been putting this off for a while. I went to Chicago a few weeks ago.
I know what you're saying, "Hey, Mike, what the chestnuts? You don't travel unless there's a funeral, so who died?" The answer, my friend, is my sister's taste in music. Ya see she got these tickets to a Pink ...
Everyone has a beat in their feet and a song thumping away on their eardrums once in a while; I'm talking music, man.
First of all, I don't prescribe to just one genre of music; I've listened to a little of this, a little of that, and it all mixes together. On my custom playlist, Tina ...
Everyone seems to take summer vacations. I know people that have been all over the country this summer and a few that have been out of it, all in the name of summer vacations.
My summer vacation was Tuesday. It started when I woke up at noon, but that's nothing abnormal. Me and my Ma got in ...
Opposites, man, yin and yang, cats and dogs, cookies and lettuce, they are some funny things.
The counterpart or the thing that completely contradicts an item. I've known mine my entire life. My sister. See, there is a way that we are opposite already. I don't mind writing about myself or ...
I was a chubby baby, a chunky toddler, then a husky pre-adolescent. When I got into my teen years, the pretty adjectives went out the window, and the phrase "Jeez, you're fat" came flying in.
Now, if you've ever seen me on the street, you know what I'm talking about here. I am not ...