I'm not a reporter. I'm not a journalist. I am an artist.
I have been the cartoonist for the paper here for well over a year, but I've been playing "reporter" for only a few months.
Now I can't tell you how I go about making my cartoons because that process is weird and uniquely my own. ...
I have never in my life thought about leaving Toledo. I was raised here, and I'll die here, just hopefully not today.
I have friends that have traveled from coast to coast, one friend that just went to Florence, I know a woman who just visited Italy, and I know people that annually travel to ...
Emergency rooms are such weird places, am I right? I mean, you go in there when you're sick and feel like death warmed over, and they usually ask you to take a seat.
I have been in my fair share of emergency rooms; I've even had my fair share of ambulance rides. All of which were eventful, ...
I don't know it to be true, but I like to think that when I was just a chunky little baby, my big sister, just a kid herself, flipped me the bird, and I returned the favor.
The Unholy Middle Finger, The Bird, The One Hand Salute, all of these are just synonyms for a single finger on the ...
I was out and about this past weekend, and I met someone new. Now, this isn't odd in itself as I do not know the world's population over; however, the conversation that transpired is what was truly the oddity. In fact, it was one thing that the person said in particular that has stuck with me ...
I've read books. I've written books. I love books, but I haven't always.
I grew up in a family of readers, in a house where if you trip, often enough, it was a paperback underfoot. My ma read many subjects while mainly focusing on crime. If there’s any piece of literature that has a ...
Tama-Grundy Publishing wishes the HAPPIEST of birthdays to our very own cartoonist, local correspondent, & Master Columnist (have you checked out Magic Mike 6XL yet??), Michael D. Davis!
Happy Baa-thday to ewe, Mike! ;) We appreciate all you do to keep local journalism alive & well in ...