
Kolpin Open Enjoys Record Year in 2017

Michelle Musgrave talks to participants of the 10th annual Kolpin Open that was held at the Tama-Toledo Country Club on Saturday, August 19. Photo by Steve Bearden

One hundred and thirty golfers participated in the 10th Annual Ken Kolpin Open Four Person Best Shot Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 19th at the Tama-Toledo Country Club. Presented by South Tama Activity Boosters, Inc, this year’s event raised over $12,500 for student activities in the South Tama County School District. Over 80 local businesses and individuals made donations to the event.

Ken Kolpin was the long-time Activities Director at South Tama. The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association recognized him in 1996 for his service to Iowa High School Athletics. Kolpin was also inducted into the Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association Hall of Fame in 1997. He passed away in 2007.

Winning the morning session was the team of Larry Fletcher, George Kuhter, Levi Hunerdosse, and Lon Wilkerson. Winning the afternoon session was the team of Larry Fletcher, George Kuhter, Kathy Wilkerson, and Lon Wilkerson.

As part of the day’s celebration, several skills contests were held. Winners of the longest putt were Danny Mayo and John Legg. George Kuhter won a mattress set from Restonic Mattress for being closest to the pin on hole #1 after placing his ball two feet and five inches from the hole. Ron Hala and Doug Husak won the putting challenge. Chelsea Ahrens and Pat Keenan had the longest drives of the day. Tom Svacina and Tom Kemper hit the straightest drives for event. A closest to the pin contest was also held on hole #7. Patrick Roan and Tim Downs were the winners of this contest.

South Tama Activity Boosters, Inc is made up of businesses, parents, grandparents, coaches, teachers, and community members from the South Tama County School District Area. The purpose of the organization is to provide support to the students of the South Tama County School District involved in activities through, but not limited to, the donation of time, ideas, and money.

Participants of the 2017 Kolpin Open gather outside of the club house at the beginning of the tournament. Photo by Steve Bearden

In ten years, the Kolpin Open has raised over $115,000 for student activities in South Tama. South Tama Activity Boosters, Inc supports academic, athletic, and fine arts activities. The 11th Annual Kolpin Open will be held on August 18 in 2018.